Newsletter 8, May 26, 2023
PRAHRAN’S quest for a VAFA Division 1 finals berth steps up a notch this Saturday with the away clash v third on the ladder, Kew. Following last week’s win v UHS-VU, the Two Blues are fifth, just outside the four, a game and percentage behind Kew. Last year these teams played out a thriller with Kew holding out a fast finishing Two Blues who piled on six last quarter goals only to be denied a win by one point with the siren sounding when the ball was deep in Prahran’s forward line. Expect more of the same this week with Prahran’s belief on the rise after running away with the game in the last quarter for a 45 point win against fellow finalist contender UHS-VU last week. After an arm wrestle for the first three quarters, the Two Blues broke clear with a seven goals to one in the last quarter with their superior leg speed noticeable against a tiring UHS-VU. By a quirk of this season’s draw, Prahran plays six of its first eight games away from home so any away win carries special significance.
PRAHRAN and UHS-VU players joined in this guard of honour as part of Umpires Appreciation Week last Saturday. As is normal practice for our home games, umpires were also invited and noted in our after match presentations by president Fab Maya.
Our match v UHS-VU was a hard fought contest without incident. Unfortunately, not all VAFA teams competed in the same spirit last weekend.
You will note the below editorial, penned by VAFA CEO Jason Reddick, that will appear in this weekend's Amateur Footballer Record.
“Amongst all the various other themes that were celebrated last week (AFL Indigenous Round, International IDAHOBIT Day, National Volunteer Week), it was also the weekend when we took time to promote and acknowledge all the VAFA and Club umpires that take to the field each week to ensure that we are able to play games of Amateur football. It's extremely important that our VAFA community and I’ve spoken to many Club representatives about suggestions of getting back to the days gone by when the umpires were invited into the social rooms after the game to share a drink and a yarn with players, coaches and supporters and be noted in the official post-game speeches.
There are over 500 umpires in total in our competition and, as the old adage goes, we don’t have a game without them. Unfortunately, statistics show that between 30 and 40 percent leave the game each year, and it is not easy to replace them, let alone grow the numbers and relieve Clubs from having to find volunteers to do these match day duties. Some Clubs did especially well last weekend in providing the welcoming environment and showing signs of respect through guards of honour. I am aware that Old Scotch and Old Xaverians in Premier Men’s and Old Brighton and Old Camberwell in Division 1 Women’s took extra steps to show their support of the umpires and promoted that through their social media channels.
However, whilst some VAFA Clubs were terrific, there were far too many other Clubs involved in incidents of poor behaviour towards umpires on the weekend. Umpire Appreciation Round resulted in four (4) reports of umpire abuse. In all six (6) rounds to date there have been 11 charges laid for abusive, insulting and threatening behaviour towards umpires, obscene language and acts of misconduct. This has resulted in nine (9) guilty verdicts and players suspended for a total of 24 matches.
I was so disappointed to hear from some senior and experienced umpires during the week that they don’t want to be highlighted at some grounds as it only draws attention to them and this creates a rod for their back from abusive players and spectators. One of the great strengths of the VAFA has been the respectful environment that provides for all our community to participate and watch our games of football. This can be contrasted with some of the terrible incidents that have taken place in other community leagues recently.
The VAFA doesn’t take our good reputation for granted and we are hell bent on ensuring our competition remains the safest and most welcoming environment for everyone. All VAFA Clubs and our extended community are hereby on notice that we will be cracking down and policing the Player and Spectator Codes of Conduct, and any further transgressions in respect of umpire abuse will be severely dealt with. I call on all our leaders of VAFA Clubs: the Presidents, Committees, Coaches, and Captains to show the way and ensure that all Umpires are treated with respect at all times. Our competition depends on that.”
The VAFA also wishes to make clubs aware of the AFL's Anti-Social Behaviour Campaign (refer link below) which will be relaunched across AFL Victoria platforms: https://www.aflvic.com.au/anti-social-behaviour-campaign
 Singing the song after downing USH-VU.
 A defending Luke Kerr.
 Tim Maya kicks forward.
 Reserves Coach, Jack Matherson, delivers forward.
 (Reserves) Austin Lawson gets his hand pass away.
Photos by Trevor Evans
SENIORS OSBORNE ROOFTOP AND BAR AWARD ($50 Voucher) - Jesse Waters HAGENS ORGANICS ($50 Voucher) - Mackenzie Mayne STATE BANK PAST PLAYERS ($30 Coles/Myer Voucher) - Joe Bell
UNFORTUNATELY Prahran U18 Boys were unable to field a team last week and forfeited. Prahran U18 Boys will return this Sunday, May 28, 2:30pm at Como Oval. MEANWHILE the Under 18 Girls extended their unbeaten season with a win against local rivals, East Malvern Knights, in Round 5 at Como Park. Down by 10 points at half time; Prahran boosted their team pressure to wrestle back the game, kicking five goals to one in the second half and claiming victory by 15 points. The Juricic sisters worked selflessly all day – Pia rucking at 85% game time, and Mila sprinting back hard in defence to get a touch onto what would’ve been a certain Knights goal and momentum changer when the margin was only three points in the final term. PRAHRAN 0-2 2-2 5-3 7-3 (45) EAST MALVERN 2-3 3-6 4-6 4-6 (30) Goals: Williams 3, McKay 2, Faulks, Ignjic. Best: McKay, Ignjic, Passon, Williams, P. Juricic, M. Juricic. Prahran Junior Football Club

REDEVELOPMENT is well and truly underway - please click on the following link to access the latest update from Stonnington Council - when you land on the page, scroll down and click on the "Latest News" and "Gallery" buttons for further information:
In summary, works have continued to progress well over the past month with plenty of action on site:
- approval has been given for stage two demolition works (the cricket pavilion and amenities) and we expect the permit to be issued shortly.
- concrete works have commenced, including the spoon drain around the oval perimeter.
- light tower footings are dug and cages placed in readiness for the concrete footings to be poured.
- cricket wicket construction and drainage works continue.
NATIONAL Print Source, through managing director Ralph Silver, has been a proud sponsor for more than a decade. National Print, based in Melbourne, specialises in printing, packaging and clothing and has supplied uniforms to our Netball teams for many years. Customers can sample a wide range of products and services, ranging from paper print, promotional products and warehouse supplies. NPS also has an online print management solution, which allows you to streamline your print ordering and buying processes. The system gives you the opportunity to order your printing requirements online 24/7 as well as manage your artwork in your own customised store front.
EVENT: State Bank/Southbank Past Players Day Luncheon DATE: Saturday, July 8 LOCATION: DW Lucas Reserve

EVENT: Club Ball DATE: Saturday, July 22 LOCATION: Young Hearts, High Street Prahran

EVENT: Reverse Raffle DATE: Sunday, August 20 LOCATION: The Osborne

EVENT: Jack Morgans Luncheon DATE: Friday, September 8 LOCATION: The Osborne

- Club Member - $60.00
- SkyBlue Member - $100.00
- Jack Morgans/Prahrantonians Member - $200.00
- Player Sponsor - $400.00
- Sponsors - Bronze, Silver and Gold all available.
A sincere thanks to all our members and sponsors who have already renewed for 2023 - your support is greatly appreciated.
For the latest PFC news and to sign up as a member, click on www.prahranfootballclub.com.au |