Michael Bremner 100 Senior Games / Adam Stewart 100 Club Games

Every good football club has a ‘heart and soul’ player.

In the case of Prahran Assumption there would be little debate that person is Michael Bremner who plays his 100th senior match v Hampton Rovers at Toorak Park on Saturday, April 20.

Son of past club coach and president Ken Bremner, Michael, is "a phenomenal and rare person’’ in the words of coach Ashley Mills.

“He is selfless in his approach and tireless in his efforts to make our footy club a better place,” Mills said.

One the fittest players on the list and certainly the most vocal, Brem is always shouting words of encouragement to his teammates, and loves nothing better than being cheerleader in the victory theme song chant post games.

Michael’s efforts also extend beyond the playing field. He manages the club’s facebook site, is the first to welcome new players to the club and put his hand up to offer support for organising social functions.

In an apt tribute to his devotion to the club last season Bremner was voted the Len Reed Memorial best clubman.

That dedication to the cause faced a defining moment last September when he received the shattering news on grand final selection night that after playing all 20 games for 2012 he would not be in the grand final 22.

He would only be human to carry a heavy heart for the rest of the week, but that night and on grand final day there was no more encouraging voice in the rooms and in the crowd as he urged his teammates on.

His grace under personal pressure was admired by all, certainly his coach.

“I’ll never forget the way in which Brem handled the news he had missed selection for the 2012 grand final after playing every game- it was truly amazing and something I still marvel at today.’’

“I also see Mick’s best footy on a personal level is ahead of him as he continues to get fitter, stronger and understand his strengths even more,’’ Mills said.

Adam Stewart played his 100th club game last Saturday v MHSOB.

A dependable defender and outstanding clubman we congratulate Adam, also the club’s finance director, on a grand achievement.